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Old 06-05-2014, 12:16 PM
Cecilia S.
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2013
Posts: 670
Default Setting tension on a zigzag

Hi Everyone,

Now that my glorious old Anker Phoenix 429 has had its bobbin assembly surgery (major arterial plaque removal in the rotary hook, and, as per CD Thayer Rags, the kidneys ), I am now sewing practice pieces with it, and setting up the tension etc. Wow, WHAT A MACHINE! So powerful, so slow if you want, and FAST if you want. And such a glorious sound it makes; a really quiet vibration.

For those who may be interested, here was the bobbin surgery:

The problem I am having now is in the tension, I think. See photo below; every so often, the right hand stitch of the zigzag (I guess that would be the zag. Hee hee) pulls tighter than the others, and as you can see, when using a different colour thread on bobbin and top, this creates a big problem aesthetically.

Can you help me figure out why this happens? It does not correlate to a pause or a slow down or a speed up in sewing; it happens at random in the midst of a steady sewing tempo. I have also of course recently cleaned the -entire- hook area and re-timed it, and as well have cleaned the tensions assembly thoroughly. The assembly was dealt with in this thread:

Any insights would be appreciated. I have banged out 20 or so rows about six inches long of zigzag, and it seems to happen on average once every 20 zag stitches or so. Sometimes more, sometimes less.

Attached Thumbnails img_7114.jpg  
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