Old 06-07-2014, 07:05 AM
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I lift the stitches from the top until the thread starts to 'drag'. I then cut it with embroidery scissors and start again. I can usually get 4" or more of stitching out before cutting the thread. I never saw the point of putting a 3 stitch limit on the process so I just go as far as I can without resistance. No wasted time, no short threads, and especially no cut or stretched fabric. I use the blade of my seam ripper so infrequently that it's still as sharp as when I first got it with my 1989 Viking.

I haven't ripped 'between' since I stopped making clothes, and back then (1960's) I used a single edged razor blade for that. Bear in mind that seam rippers used to look like this:

and came with a needle threader on the other end.

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