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Old 07-05-2014, 03:22 AM
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Join Date: Apr 2011
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What I learned from being on Nutrisystem for 4 years was/is.

*portion size!! We all fail at that.
*no alcoholic beverages! They trigger food cravings. (i like wine.)
*Lower sugar intake. Sugar alcohol is substituted for real sugar. They can "burn" when consumed. Read your "low sugar" labels on anything. You will likely see these in the ingredients.
*lower sodium content in the foods. True. They are portioned out to be lower sodium. Compare NS to other processed frozen food, Marie Calendar is one of the worst salt busters! Yikes!
* Eat your veggies and fresh fruit!! Repeat often! I learned to love fresh fruits 20 years ago when I was on weight watchers. We ALL struggle to eat the daily requirements of fruits and veggies. Admit it. My eating habits improve when I adhere to this rule. But I struggle to do it everyday. V-8 is one great way to get a serving or 2 of veggies in. (Large can is 2)

Yes, you have to get used to some of the processed foods of NS but if you strictly follow the program as designed, you will feel fuller than you ever thought and you will lose weight. But, like any "diet" or food program, if you fall of the wagon, you are going to gain it back.

Read the discussion group on the NS website. It is a wealth of info.

I no longer do the auto ship. I admit to NS burnout and they eliminated some of my favs. I have gained some weight back because........I drink my wine, eat too much sugar, got LAZY!!! I do need to get back on track. This was my doing...not a "program" flaw. Not any program flaw. We gain weight due to bad eating habits.

addressing the gall bladder ....i have quite a few friends who had theirs removed. They were never on a prepackaged diet plan. BAD eating habits can/does contribute to that. I would not necessarily draw a conclusion to blame NS on the gall bladder issue unless the dr. suspects.

We eat too many pre-packaged processed foods. As a whole, i believe they cannot be healthy but what to do?? I wish that I could be home every day to prepare a healthy meal..but I can't and I do the best that I can.

good luck with whatever you decide.


Last edited by Sandygirl; 07-05-2014 at 03:30 AM.
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