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Old 07-14-2014, 01:44 PM
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I can barely get on here long enough to write a short post let alone a long one

Back to Fibro.
Did you know it has a new designation now? Nerve end neuropathy
Did you know that most of us have four things in common? Sometimes going clear back to the teens.
Insomnia, poor memory, Pain of course, depression.

For those of you who don't have it, if it often narrowed down by the trigger points. (image below)

The first time I went to a doctor for it I was 40, it took me 26 minutes to get down the stairs. I told Rob if I passed out take advantage of it and just drag me to the car.
It was diagnosed as arthritis by an emergency physician who prescribed muscle relaxants and pain meds.
Not knowing any different I sort of lived with it until I was 55. By then I was missing work, not by days but by weeks.

I made a dr appt. and told him I was at the end of my rope and I had to have some sort of class in pain management or I was literally going to put a bullet in my head. We talked for awhile he ask where it most commonly hurt and I said here on my hip and here on my collar bone. He looked at me for a minute and then said "Sharyn, that isn't you hip, that is your upper buttock, The hip is in the front. That isn't your collar bone, that is here."

Well to tell you the truth I always wondered where the bones were that were so full of arthritis
So he left and came back with a fibro handout with all those pressure points noted and I about fell off the chair.
YES. YES, that's me!

One way I was REALLY fortunate, was I hadn't had a lot of misdiagnosis because I hadn't brought it up nor did I have any other health issues so I wasn't on any medications. So I know and will thank Dr. Carroll until my dying day, that what he put me on was a miracle drug as it was the only thing, there was nothing to confuse the results.

He put me on nortriptyline which was one of the earliest anti-depressants which was a spectacular failure for depression, but in the case studies they found people with chronic pain were finding some relief. I think it is probably considered 'old school' and not one of the bright shiny drugs the salespersons are pushing this week.

There is a starter kit, you begin with 10 mg a night and over (I think) four weeks you see where you find relief.
It took me about 3-4 months to find the perfect spot but what a life changer. And I haven't a clue how it works. How can it know to make something not hurt that would have laid me out flat on my back before?

It helps with insomnia issues, a lot in the beginning, not so much anymore but I've found my own weird workarounds.
And because I was sleeping better, that first year, behind my back, I lost 10 pounds. I was so surprised, back then Rob and I were weighing in on New Years and calling it good
And I kept right on losing a pound a month until I got down to 149.

When I got cancer (twice) my weight inched up, probably around 185. With your help and my fitbit zip
I am back down to 156 today.

anyway the point of my long post is if you haven't tried it ask your doctor if you can.
Thus spake Sharyn, and the sun came out

hugs to us all, some days we need em in spades.
Attached Thumbnails fibro.gif  
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