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Old 07-30-2014, 05:53 AM
cynicalbeauty's Avatar
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Originally Posted by AllyStitches View Post
I recently put together a set up that might be helpful for you. Years ago I bought a New Joy quilting frame at a garage sale. It sat unused until recently, when I bought a Janome 1600P and put a stitch regulator on it to use with the rack. The stitch regulator has a little hand held piece with the start/stop button, which allows me to move my machine on the rack with one hand. I don't know if you have room for a rack, but I don't use my feet with it at all.

I bought the Janome on ebay for $600 (I think they usually go for $900, but I bet you can find a machine for somewhere around the $600 range), and the Quilter's Cruise Control was under $500 on sale. The rack was $200, and goes down to about 5 feet so it would be good for your smaller quilts. New Joy is out of business, but maybe you can find a similar one like I did.

If you can't use the rack, the Janome has a start/stop button and only does high speed straight stitch, so it's perfect for quilting.

Anyway. I hope that helps!
AllyStitches, do you have a picture I could see? This sound neat and although I might not be able to do this immediately it might be an option in the future. I am a visual person though, and really need to see it to understand what you have going on.

Oops just saw you tried to add a picture, but it didn't work...

Last edited by cynicalbeauty; 07-30-2014 at 05:57 AM.
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