Old 07-31-2014, 04:51 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Durand, MI
Posts: 751

I have a Shepard/Husky cross spay named Bear, 11 1/2 years old. Probably the best dog that I have ever had. Had Alaskan Malamutes in the past. Loved them, too. Yes, they shed, lots. I don't have dust bunnies, I have dust elephants. As a breed, they are intelligent, people oriented, and runners. You MUST take the time to train them. According to the vet, at her age, if she were a Shepard only, she would be an old dog. But because of the Husky and their hardiness, she is only middle aged. She still runs every where she goes. She chased a fox around the perimeter of our electronic fenced area (3 acres) early this spring. Didn't catch him, but didn't lose ground to him, either. Last year, she tore her ACL, totally healed without surgery. When she dies, we will get another Shepard/Husky cross or a purebred Husky. I don't know that another dog can ever measure up to her, she's that personable.
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