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Old 08-08-2014, 06:46 AM
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Colorado
Posts: 3,536

I don't do selfies. IF I post a picture of myself it is because someone
else took it of me not taking it myself. For the most part I don't have
a photo of me on my profile.

Usually my profile is one of my cats, or something I made. Or a funny
sewing/quilting related saying.

I stopped the feeds from my middle daughter because all she did was
post selfies and complain about her course load (college classes) but
failing to understand that SHE is the one who selected that course load
nobody else.

I like facebook for many reasons, I have been able to hook up long lost
friends who I hadn't talked to since childhood, found cousins that I knew
about but never met (on dads side), and am in MANY groups for sewing,
quilting, and machine embroidery.
Quilty-Louise is offline