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Old 08-10-2014, 12:09 PM
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You can do it silverfox!
I was wondering the other day what a wealth of mind tricks we might all have. They usually wear out and won't work the second time...

Having a friend who has lost or is losing weight is always helpful.

From my 80's WW journey, taking exlax before weigh in. So sad really but in spite of being a well rounded program it is still about the scale. I'm not going there again, being a slave to the scale.

Have you ever nuked a green salad? I can't explain what it does, but it makes it different.

The first time I joined WW was in the mid-70's. I'd quit smoking and was clear up to 120... it's all relative isn't it?
The only commercial diet product was diet soda...we used diet 7up in all kinds of recipes. and saccharin in packets.
Eating liver was required and 4 eggs a week.
That first time I went I ate a whole saltine stack of crackers before I left for the meeting. Never going to get to eat again, right?

Once in the 80's I thought I might use a gym. Remember when those contracts were like dealing with someone who'd break your legs? Fortunately all that shaking machines caused me to pass out, other wise I'd have probably signed up. Never would have worked.

My fitbit is my current mind trick. Why it is better than the standard pedometer I don't know, maybe because it is lime and stays put.

When Jane Fonda came out with the first exercise video I loved it. Bought myself two pair of leggings and body suit. I couldn't find any stripy ones like hers.. And of course feet of clay she has admitted she was using bennies to control her weight.

I remember in the 70's when you could go to a Dr. Woowoo and get them. A lot of my friends did. I never had the money or I'd probably have gone down that road too.

One of the hardest was throwing away food. Cake and stuff. I will though...

Last edited by KalamaQuilts; 08-10-2014 at 12:12 PM.
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