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Old 08-13-2014, 11:03 AM
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Default Mental Illness -

This is a spin-off from the Robin Williams thread - -

One of the hardest parts of dealing with mental illness (which is a VERY broad term - right up there with cancer - for being non-specific)

Is that so many people that need treatment won't admit that they need help.

And if they do admit they need help, many can't afford it or know where to go.

And - many "treatments" really don't work all that well - one has to be willing to do a lot of trials to find something that works. Also, some treatments do more harm than good.

How does one "test" for these things? I don't think it shows up like diabetes or anemia does with a lab test.

I don't know the answer.

It does seem that highly intelligent, talented people seem more prone to mental disturbances than "ordinary" folks.

Way back when - some religions believed that mental illness was called by demons.

These are opinions. More are welcome.
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