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Old 08-13-2014, 05:20 PM
Power Poster
Join Date: Apr 2010
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I lived with cronic depression and anxiety for years. At age 22 I sought help at the mental health clinic.
there was a 6 month waiting list, so the girl at the counter said if i was sucidial, i could get in that afternoon. (they kept the afternoon open for 'crazy people') so that's what i had to do. Got alot of slack from my family when they found out a few years later. called me every name in the book from retart tolunatic. (they were a big part of the problem). when my sister's wife turned out to be depressed, everyone said it was o.k. and sympathized with her. there is a terrible stigma attached to it. wheni tried to explain that if i needed a heart pill, it would be o.k. but my mom kept on insisting i was just a crazy raving lunatic to be depressed. Thankfully, i' don't need ssi's anymore and don't really suffer from it anymore. Could that have beenwhy i used to jump out 2nd story windows when i was 5???

People, if you feel you might be depressed, do something about it before it's to late.
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