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Old 08-19-2014, 10:56 PM
Super Member
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: England Alton Towers
Posts: 6,673

I have multipule anxiety depression disorders and come here to look at quilts to cheer me up although at times I disappear because I am too depressed to be here. I do go out but I take each outing as a drama class. All the time I'm acting a part to fulfill each activity and am exhausted when I return. Does anyone else do this?

I was reading fly lady comment this week. A patient who was depressed was told to go to the circus to see the clown best for depression and cheering him up he had seen . The patient was that clown . I know exactly how the clown felt, dr's don't know about depression and how useless some comments are ie. pull yourself together, nothing wrong, at last a broken foot a real illness.

I could go on. Do other relate.
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