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Old 08-23-2014, 11:16 AM
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: Kodiak, Alaska
Posts: 96

Check for discount codes for bigger online sites such as Connecting Threads offers free shipping for orders over $50 and they have good prices on popular quilting books. Alas, they no longer honor free shipping to Alaska where I am. Take a look at some quilting blogs. Some of my favorites are Oh, Fransson, Crazy Mom Quilts, Red Pepper Quilts, Hyacinth Quilts, Quilt Dad, Quilt Zombie, and many others. I have so many ideas bookmarked, I won't live long enough to make them all. Many free patterns, tutorials, tips and techniques. You will see many of the latest fabric lines being used and I trust the color of the fabrics more on the blogs. You have to be careful of the colors on some of the online fabric stores - they are not always the true colors. This is especially if you are trying to match colors. On some of the sites you can put your choices on an on screen design wall. I especially like the hand of the fabrics from Art Gallery Fabrics - very smooth and silky. Even if I lived down in the "lower 48" as we Alaskans call it, I would not shop at Hobby Lobby because I do not agree with their politics. We have two quilt shops and one yarn store that also sells fabric where I live. I do shop in them but I do most of my shopping on line. Last time I was in a JoAnn store I got completely overwhelmed and left. I started out using mostly Walmart fabric until I felt I had gotten good enough to buy better quality fabric. Now I realize that was rubbish and I need to donate all that old junk out of my stash. Have fun on your quilting journey. N
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