Old 08-29-2014, 05:56 AM
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Originally Posted by Karamarie View Post
I backed out of the garage with the back car door open. Yup - sprung the car door and wrecked the track for the garage door. Try explaining that one to hubby. Redemption - a few weeks later he backed his pickup out of the garage with the garage door still shut! Someone take the garage away from these people!!!!!
OMG, this one slays me!! Not funny at the time, I'm sure, but pretty funny now!

I once popped a tire trying to parallel park my car - DH was trying to help me improve my horrible parallel parking skills and it didn't go so well. I went up on the curb, and somehow as I came back down it pinched the sidewall of the tire between the curb and my rim and just sliced it wide open. Now that's some skill! (I am still terrible at parallel parking, too.) The guy at the tire shop asked me if someone slashed my tire, and then laughed his butt off when I told him what had happened. I should have said yes, someone slashed my tire!
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