Thread: How do I...?
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Old 09-08-2014, 09:20 PM
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Join Date: Jul 2014
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Yay! I finally got it! Sample came out perfect. Working with the real fabrics now.

I found out that I needed to make an entirely new pattern for the spiral. I had to keep the exact dimensions of the space between each spiral while making the spiral itself consistently 1" wide. I traced the original pattern for the spiral onto the circle to use as a guide before fixing it onto a 4" hoop. Then, I used a tiny bit of applique glue & 2 pins to help with the starting stitches & just kept sweeping under each stitch bit by bit starting with the inner curve & then moving to the outer curve. I would totally never do this again except for the fact that now I have the patterns and the technique down & honestly, it really does look nice (I'll post pics when I get one done with the pretty fabrics).

Thank you all SO, SO much for your help & input. I would have never made it without you!!! Now I know that when a pattern says it can easily be used for either raw edge or needle turn applique by simply adding 1/4 inch, there's nothing "simple" or "easy" about it. :P At least I finally got it... what a feeling of accomplishment (and it's all of yours accomplishment, too)

Thanks again!
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