Thread: New machine!
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Old 09-16-2014, 04:23 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: The Woodlands, Texas
Posts: 621

You will be so pleased with this machine. I've had mine for about 5 months and am delighted with all of the bells and whistles. My first impression was how quiet the machine is. Since then, I've discovered the low bobbin indicator, pivot foot, and so many other nice to have's.

I previously had a Janome 200E for embroidery and did very little. Oh my! This machine has so many helpful fuctions for embroidery and so many hoops. Right now I'm using it to Quilt a King Size quilt.

There is as Yahoo group (Janome 12000/15000) for us. Jim Stutsman and his wife and others in the group are very helpful with answering questions. In addition, Jim has just released an iPad ap, "My 15000" that I just downloaded. It costs $60, but considering the investment in the machine, it is worth it if you enjoy that type of thing.

Congratulations and enjoy!!!
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