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Old 10-02-2014, 08:36 AM
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Location: North Texas formerly The Burgh
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Hi everyone....still waiting to hear who won the September challenge.
Just tried a new recipe last night -so thought I would share. NOTE: these are all OLD WW points system.

Apple Crumble WW style
2 apples 3 1/2" diameter - cored, pealed and sliced thin - less than 1/4" slices so they cook fast (2 points each)
I used Fuji apples
1 1/2 tablespoon sugar ( 1 1/2 points)
About 1/8 teaspoon cinnamon - i like cinnamon - about a generous sprinkle
pinch of salt
3 Quaker Chewy bars - Oatmeal cookie flavor - (total 3 points)
I can't believe it's not butter in the pump spray - 0
1 tablespoon of water - 0
Pam spray - 0

I used a Corelle baking dish i have that is about 7" square X 2" deep - which 2 apples filled almost to the top.

Heat oven to 350
Mix apple slices with sugar, cinnamon and salt in bowl - let sit about 10 minutes. Meanwhile, crumble up the 3 Quaker chewy bars

Spray baking dish with Pam - pour apple mixture into baking dish - put the 1 tablespoon of water into the bowl that had the apples in and swish around to get any juice or sugar left behind - pour over apples. Spritz apples with "butter" spray. Sprinkle Quaker chewy bar crumble over the apples evenly. Spritz top again with "butter" spray. I did 5 spritzes. is where you are going to throw something at me....i forgot to exactly time the baking -- but i am guessing that it was somewhere between 20 and 30 minutes....til the top was starting to brown and a poke of the apples showed they were softened.

Total points - 8 1/2 for the whole thing.
DH ate half last night - i had already exhausted my points for the day so i didn't have mine. He's a picky guy who doesn't hold back if my cooking experiments don't pan out - and he said that it was really good.

I thought that given that with most apple pies you only get a 1/8 pie slice for 8 points, this was pretty good.
Hope you try it, you'll like it too.
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