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Old 10-07-2014, 03:46 PM
Jeanette Frantz
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Join Date: May 2012
Location: Florida
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I don't buy machines, as a rule. My son cruises through Goodwill occasionally -- The first machine he found there was a white Featherweight, in pristine condition and it sews very well. I don't collect machines, honestly, I don't! LOL! Nevertheless, I seem to acquire them. Generally, if we buy a machine, it's one we intend (I intend) to sew on. If I were looking for a FW, I wouldn't even inquire about a machine priced at $600. That's too much $. The second machine my son found at Goodwill was a Singer 403A -- purchase price $41.00 (the FW was $50.00 just a couple of years ago). I have an old White treadle that has been promised to me (for free), but I haven't picked it up yet because of back problems. I don't know, I'm not REALLY a collector! I use the machines I have! The only thing I have on my "want list" right now is a FW as a gift for my cousin, but my $$$$ are very limited right now, so it will have to wait for the "right" deal!

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