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Old 10-13-2014, 05:10 AM
Power Poster
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Mableton, GA
Posts: 11,314

When I first started I took an ongoing beginners class. Wonderful instructor helped us and taught us. We all started with the same project and then we were free to do what we wanted. I dragged my things there every week for a couple of years. Became friends with the others and we welcomed new people. People came and went. Perfect. Then instructor retired and new one didn't run it the same. So I got used to being by myself which has worked out well for me. I get my social needs in other places. I have taken a class or two elsewhere and while I enjoyed it, I realize I don't like to drag my things someplace, unpack and get organized, sew a bit and repack. My mojo comes and goes so this seems to be working out for me.
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