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Old 10-13-2014, 12:06 PM
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Originally Posted by ckcowl
Very cute! Whether or not they will sell depends on lots of factors. Price, venue, customer base, competition.... Craft/art fairs are difficult to figure out, what sells out in no time at one craft fair may not sell at all at the next one. All you can do is give it a try & see how it goes.
I agree, it is hard to predict. I used to be a vendor at an annual craft fair, and it was always surprising what would be an instant sensation. I sold painted items and did ok most of the time. But one year, a mother and daughter brought several heating corn bags and sold them so fast, they had to leave and go get more. They did not decorate their space or anything, just used the table given and laid the bags out. People went crazy over them. But the next year, they couldn't sell them at all.

Never know what the mood of the customer will be. I quit doing them and never looked back.

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