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Old 10-21-2014, 03:15 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2013
Location: ontario,canada
Posts: 474
Default EQ question concerning block printing

i like using my eq7 but have not done all the lessons and just bumble along on my own. mostly it works.
yesterday i tried to print out the rotary cutting instructions for a block that had a snowball block within it and it didn't include the center of the snowball. it is in the block diagram and is given an identifying letter. it had all of the other shapes in the block including the little triangles to put around the snowball.
so i have two questions-
1 -did it not include that piece because it doesn't consider it a shape that i would rotary cut?
2 -would the fabric needed to make those snowballs still be included in the final quilt yardage?
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