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Old 10-23-2014, 12:08 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2014
Location: Seattle WA
Posts: 138

Pam - I hear what you're saying, if the older child (children?) went to daycare it would definitely lighten the load. I love the baby stage, so much cuddling

Pat - Did you receive 3 months from me? I ordered it on Etsy and it says it was delivered but I didn't have her put a note in it. Also I have 2 suggestions for your knees. My dad has arthritis in his knees and they added a second stair rail to the stairs so he could hold on with both hands. I don't understand how it helps his knees but he says going up and down is fine now! Might be worth a try. Also I had some knee pain but I don't think it was arthritis so I doubt it will help, but I found that going from downward dog to forward fold in yoga caused me a lot of knee pain. My instructor told me that she thought I was turning my knees outward and to try to focus on keeping them turned in. I started applying that idea right away to everything and it's almost cured all my knee pain. I only have problems when I'm not careful. The biggest change I made is that when I go up and down the stairs I turn my toes towards each other just slightly and it keeps my knees aligned. You're probably not dealing with the same issue I had, but even if it gives you just the lightest relief it might be worth watching your alignment for a couple days to see if there's anything you can improve.

Well I was so excited for yoga tonight, but I was really drowsy and I didn't think I'd be able to go if I didn't take a nap, so I tried to take a quick one and ended up sleeping for about 3 hours. I missed yoga and I'll probably be up for the rest of the night now, but I finished my quilt back for a gift I'm making!!! I'm so excited about how it turned out. It's my second quilt and the first time piecing the back. I created a label for it on Adobe Illustrator and printed it directly on my fabric. I'm so excited about that part

Here's a couple pics...
Attached Thumbnails image.jpg   image.jpg  
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