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Old 11-01-2014, 04:13 AM
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Originally Posted by Julienm1 View Post
I always look when someone posts their new or reorganized sewing room. But what I've noticed no one except me, it seems, needs a table next to the sewing machine.

Just the two of us now so we eat at the kitchen island so the dining room is MINE, kinda. My sewing table nests into the corner, table at my right elbow, swivel chair. Table serves as cutting table, surface for laying out bocks, cut fabric ready to be sewn etc.

Am I the only one that needs extra space close by?
I bought the neatest chair at Target - it is called a Bungee chair - it is so comfortable and I can wheel around my area for my sewing. I have my sewing table next to my sewing machine, but it is attached one to the other. I have another little table behind where I sew and I can just whip myself around and there is my area for ironing with a board that I have around 2x2-1/2' where I can iron my pieces and form the design, etc. Needless to say I need more than one table. Also, I have my new Yamaha keyboard where, when I just want to take a break, I'll slide over on my bungee chair and play some hymns in the organ mode or work on my Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven in the piano mode. Wonderful invention, the Yamaha keyboard. I love it. Found a wonderful Methodist Hymnal that has the song "Let There Be Peace on Earth" and it literally restores my soul. Of course I have my old Lutheran Hymnal that I prize with my life and I play from that also.

Back to the table - the more tables, the more moving room with the chair on wheels, the better I can work with everything right at hand and my space is very small. I sort of work inside a circle. But I love it. Everything is where it is supposed to be and I can still see the birds feeding outside, or eventually watch a "major snowstorm in the City of St. Paul".

I figured out that in a house with 744 square feet, we make do. Imagine us in one of those Tiny Houses (on cable tv). There was one tiny house where a woman was a quilter - Boy, talk about making do in a little home that is about 4-500 square feet, if that!!!!! As long as I know where everything is, I'm a happy camper, but lose one thing, I am like the Tasmanian Devil! Gotta find it - Gotta find it!!!!!!!

Have a great day - and eat the rest of that candy up before someone else does!!!!! Edie
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