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Old 01-04-2010, 06:49 AM
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Bikini Bottom
Posts: 5,652

I hate that you had to go through an experience like that. But I would let corporate know how you were treated and not through the email system thats in place. 80% of the emails just get deleted, ignored or the people who really need to see them never do.

Pick up the phone and talk to someone at the corporate office and let them know that your money can be spent where ever you want it to. And if they do not want it then I am sure that you can find some one else to give it to. Make sure you talk to somebody in Customer Relations or their equivalent. Believe me they love to hear feedback about their retail management! If it wasnt for unhappy customers they would not know about half of the problems that exist in the stores.

Before I retired in the corporate world my job was to clean out the crappy management at the lower level and make our stores more profitable. I would fly into town and walk in the district offices they would all cringe. They knew that I could have any of their jobs if I wanted them gone and I have been known to fire every employee in a store and start all over. Our auditors used to get a kick out of me because I was so ruthless about it.

But back to the "if I had a rude store manager at Hancock's" the answer is yes I did. And after telling him that I would mop the floor with him if he ever put my fabric back up while I am shopping (usually buy the bolts) he and I have been really good friends! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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