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Old 12-01-2014, 03:45 AM
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Join Date: Mar 2011
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I work in merchandising books and magazines. People stand in the store reading magazines.
Would they open up a candy bar, lick it and put it back?
Do they know the magazine companies are all struggling to stay in business and one day there won't be any magazines unless they are supported?
Then some people steal things and hide the wrappers in the magazine racks. I never know what will fall out. A lot of stores have cameras on those racks. They know who is stealing.
Then there are the magazines with sexy pictures... I used to service a CVS store and that store got about 6 times as many of those kinds of magazines as any other store - I don't know why... A little older black lady works there - I said that so you can get a picture in your mind of her and her attitude... She is so sweet - she made me laugh every time I went in there. Anyway. She absolutely HATES those magazines. She said you won't believe what people do in front of a security camera... Now you have to imagine her voice... She goes on and on about them being MARRIED men. Well, they have a wedding ring on one hand and the other in their pocket. She just goes on and on. I have wished I could catch her on video. She would go viral.
Then there was the couple months I found empty wine bottle holders folded up behind the magazines in the grocery store. We did a bit of detective work, re-trained the camera and that guy was hauled out of the store one day...
Then there was somebody that would go in the store and pick up a basket of strawberries at lunch every day, eat all the berries and leave the empty basket on the book table and leave the store.
Then there are the people who censor magazines. They put something in front of the stuff they want to censor. Ok I get their point but some times that makes the ones they don't like stay on the shelf even longer because the one in front has a longer expiration date. LOL. I could go on and on but I won't.
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