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Old 12-28-2014, 07:37 PM
Join Date: Dec 2014
Posts: 24
Default what do you do with your creations?

I'm new here. My name is Marcia and I was recently left a really nice Janome machine, fabric, and notions by a dear aunt's passing. While I miss her a lot, I know that she would be tickled to see that her bequest is getting me into quilting!

As I'm making room for all the supplies and contemplating projects, a question has occurred to me... What can I do with the quilts I produce if I really get into this hobby? I mean... I'm 56 years old. My home is decorated and I have many quilts already from Aunti (that she made when alive and left after passing).

I have grown children and grandchildren, but having watched Aunti, I know that quilts aren't always the thing to give to them...

So, I'm wondering... Can you sell them online for anything like materials' costs... never mind your time... or get involved with charity groups? (I live on an isolated farm, so no local guilds for me...) I don't want what I make to just sit in storage... So, what have you done?

Do tell!
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