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Old 12-31-2014, 10:53 PM
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Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Chula Vista CA
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In 1965 my family moved into a house which was built in 1923. We were told before we bought it, a previous owner had passed away in the front bedroom that overlooked the street. Whenever this spirit would get angry there would be such an odor that was horrid - it was not the smell of something dead, but it did smell like a woman bleeding. My poor father tore the place apart trying to find the source of the smell. But after a year or so we finally just figured it was the spirit. Well, my grandmother was coming from Kansas to visit with her new husband and she was to stay in that room. And I was up in the room making the bed when the odor started. Went down stairs and told my mom we needed to do something. So she went upstairs, stood in the middle of the room and said if she did not behave herself while her mother was visiting she would sell the house to a family with 5 small boys. We never had a problem after that.

In 1989 my husband and I bought a house in So. CA that was built in 1923 - to our knowledge no one passed away in it - but I do have times when things disappear for days and weeks. Last month it seemed to be out of hand and I was ready to go crazy, and then I stood in the middle of the family room and announced to our visiting spirit that if it did not behave and return my missing items I was going to sell the house to a family full on young children. And I am not kidding, everything that was missing did turn up. One item was my husband's MP3 player which turned up on the floor of my car behind the driver's seat. Since my husband does not drive my car very often and his player cannot be used in my car, neither of us can figure out how it ended up there. I was so thrilled it turned up because he doesn't buy the cheap ones.

Sometimes you just need to speak firmly to those pesky spirits to get them to behave.
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