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Old 01-04-2015, 05:08 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Carroll, Iowa
Posts: 3,407

Think I'll jump on board with this as I'm trying to get a credit card bill paid off this year. I keep telling myself "this year", "this year" but it never happens as life gets in the way and have to add to the bill. I live on a set income now so with house repairs, etc. I never seem to get ahead. I normally look thru my stash before going to the fabric store so that will be easy for me anyway. What I've been doing for the past couple of quilts is use the leftovers for the next quilt in line. Wasn't able to do it on the bargello I'm working on now so they're still hanging on the hanger waiting to be used but they are always in my sight for another quilt. The scraps from a Bonnie Hunter bricks and stones quilt are piled up for another quilt pattern I have lying on the end of my cutting table.

So far I haven't bought any new fabric for 6 weeks so that's a good start for me. I also find if I delete all the emails I know have fabric sales on them, I won't be tempted to buy. It was hard during the holiday season with all my favorite online stores having their sales but I prevailed...............YEAH for me!!!!!
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