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Old 01-05-2015, 02:34 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2014
Location: Seattle WA
Posts: 138

Pat - I know it's counter productive, but it's actually pretty sweet of your hubby!! hehe My weakness is chocolate but I don't like it when it's cold and hard so I put my Christmas chocolate in the fridge so I have to let it warm up before I can eat it. It's helped slow me down

Also sorry if I'm being oblivious, is there another Megan in our group? If not I think you made a mistake on the name as I only lost 1.5, however if there is another Megan, well then congrats other Megan!!!

My hubby and I are doing Atkins together and I tried a new recipe tonight that was SO yummy, and almost the whole family was happy with it!!! It was mozzarella filled meat balls. Definitely not low calorie, but low carb, so if anyone wants the recipe I'll post it. I was going through Pinterest last night and found a ton of new Atkins recipes I'm really excited about!

I'm continuing on with my reorganization spree that started at the beginning of Christmas break. We got a new-to-us sofa a few weeks ago and I wanted to try to fit it into our living room as soon as we took down the tree. I didn't know how we would possibly fit more furniture in the room as we already had a sofa and two oversized lazy boys but it's starting to come together. We had to move our TV and I'm still not totally in love with it's placement, but I think it's going to work.

Ok, it's time I shared, my guilty pleasure is free stuff!!! LOL I've been a member of a Freecycle group for about 8 years now. I love it as a way to purge clutter from my house that someone else is really excited about receiving and every now and then I find something really awesome. After moving to Seattle I found that people here are even more into the gifting spirit than my last two cities. Our "free" section on Craigslist is constantly changing and that's where I found the first sofa we have in our living room. We moved here without one and were saving to buy one when I ran across this one on craigslist. It's gray leather and is pretty worn in but I actually really like that look. Recently I found out about a group on facebook called buy nothing. What is neat about it is that it's hyper local so the members giving and receiving are my friends and neighbors. I got this newest sofa from there and I'm so glad I did because it is a quality piece of furniture. I almost didn't take it because I wasn't sure where I'd use it but he wasn't getting any takers and I really really liked it so I took it with the intention of giving it to my friend if she wanted it otherwise I was going to find a way to cram it in my living room I'm pretty happy with how it all worked out!
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