Old 01-15-2015, 01:30 PM
Super Member
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Nawth o' Boston
Posts: 1,879

I enjoy shopping for craft items here and in my travels, and there is some beautiful craftsmanship here and abroad and I am always willing to pay the artisan what they ask. There is also cheap dreck out there which people throw together and then say 'handmade' to make a few bucks when perhaps they have marshalled their grade schoolers to do the work...and any adult with half a clue should know the difference!!!

A quilt is a huge amount of labor hours, and the craftsmanship adds to the cost...SHEESH! Your boss made a 'donation' to defray some of the cost of the work, she did not 'buy it'. You did not 'sell it'.
You made a lovely quilt and I hope you get some good karma here
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