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Old 01-20-2015, 11:54 AM
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Klaws that is such a pretty mini that you made for brat. I like the embroidery added too. The pincushion and needle case are such a pretty set, and yes those are gorgeous pins with such pretty beads. A very nice package brat.

Kiffie, I am the same. I love this swap. There are so many places I can use these pretty minis around in my house. I love the personal touch they add everywhere. It's so nice to have different themes to change out all through the year.

I was going to send my mini out today, but I forgot that I need to add a hanging sleeve to the back, because Laquita is going to hang it on a little mini size table top hanger. We were gone part of the day yesterday to see my dad, and didn't get back until late, so it will go out tomorrow.
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