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Old 01-29-2015, 03:19 AM
adamleefreeman's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2013
Posts: 34
Question basting my first quilt top Q's

Hey everyone!
I have a few questions as I prepare to baste my 1st quilt top. It's just a funky lap-top or craft quilt size project - pics later of the hexagon blocks - but I'm fearful at this point.

1. I am new to sewing not only quilting - this is about a 36"x40" top, and I have very little floor space to lay out my sandwich. I have a large enough table to do this - but if I can't get it all thread-basted in one day, and I have to remove (carefully) the project until another time, will I still be able to keep it all lined up?
2. Is it realistic to consider Elmer's glue basting for a newbie - or should I focus on traditional long-stitch basting stitches by hand? I feel better about the thread, but glue.....seems quicker....?
3. Would anyone recommend a particular thread weight/type and needle type for basting by hand please?

thanks so much - off to work with my 5th grade students!!!

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