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Old 02-08-2015, 09:39 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2014
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Posts: 174
Default Cut and Sew Question

(I hope this is in the right section because it really isn't quilting...)

I recently bought some vintage cut and sew fabric panels. I've never made these before, and I'm having trouble finding much about them online, save for others for sale. At first glance, it seems pretty basic and for the most part I know what I need to do.

Anyways, the directions say to stitch around stitch marks, but this design has them all over! I am just going around the outer border, I know the interior ones are decorative. There aren't any marks around the bow, but I assume I just follow the outer edge for that too? And that white area between the tail and the body - I'm having trouble visualizing this but I'm guessing once I've sewn there and turned it right side out that won't show?

As for slashing the "v" marks, that's just cutting the v's out the make it less bulky seams, correct?

Sorry for all the questions....I'm still a pretty new sewer.

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