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Old 02-19-2015, 03:44 AM
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Join Date: Apr 2011
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Check Antiques Roadshow website? Tons of info online but time consuming. Since you have some names of the mfgr. You have, start with thier sites. Look for antique forums. Yahoo groups. google appraisers.

As said, sometimes things are only worth what someone is willing to pay. I remember a "Fenton" like glass candy dish my late Aunt had. I wanted to keep it but did not. A gal came to the rummage sale ....swoooped it up for $5 and left. Darn! When I see this same candy dish at antique shops, i am reassured that It most likely was NOT Fenton and they (similar) are ticketed or under. $20. I still wish that I had kept it for sentimental reason. My Aunt did not buy "name" brands. She lived modestly. I miss her most.

You can probably send photos to an appraiser of the items in question to at least confirm IF there are items worth paying for an appraisal. Yes, you likely have to pay per item as you do with jewelry.

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