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Old 03-04-2015, 07:45 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 368

This is an interesting thread as I have really been struggling with classes offered by my LQS and guild. I don't enjoy them. Feel like I'm really odd, but here goes. First teaching to me is giving instruction, tips, info etc., not just bringing a pattern and sewing on it with no real teaching. This happens repeatedly in my area and frequently the "teacher" is only pushing their own pattern, product or whatever. I feel like I'm being exploited and paying for the privilege.

Someone mentioned the cliques etc. This seems to happen frequently when the "teacher" knows some of the members. It's reunion time for them while the majority shut up and try to follow the pattern. No attempt is made to include folks who are quiet, timid, inexperienced and so on. I've really tried to assimilate these gals, but unless others help they usually just drop out. This is really a huge pet peeve of mine. Some of these folks were really nice but just never could fit in for some reason.

Finally there always seems to be at least one person who comes unprepared so we end up waiting for them to get up to speed. You know the situation. Forgot key tools, want to borrow, come late, etc. "Teacher" spends so much time with them that others get no attention.

Thanks for letting me vent. As I said this is a topic which has really bothered me lately.
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