Old 03-10-2015, 02:16 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 556
Default How do you choose your quilting thread color for handquilting?

So the other day I was watching the quilt show with Jinny Beyer, when she was hand piecing she used dark thread to match the color of her fabric.I have always used white hand quilting thread to piece or to with if I'm doing it by hand. But after watching the show about her I feel like I should add more thread to my Hand Quilting collection. But I know when I have been reading other blogs or seen hand quilting videos they say if you want your stitches to be seen well that you use "White"! The thing is the back of quilts are white on back so if I used other colors to quilt with it would show up dramatically. What are your suggestions?
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