Old 04-09-2015, 03:08 PM
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Angry think I am ready to throw this quilt out the window!

Last year I made a quilt..and gave it to a dear friend. I loved the pattern so much so I decided to make myself one. Only much bigger. OMG!!! You will never believe the problems I have had. I made several blocks wrong...okay..fixed those. Then after putting all the borders on..it was ten inches longer on one side than the other. Went to my LQS and they pointed out that I didn't measure the sides. (True, enough). So I took off all three borders and started again. Well...it still has a couple of extra inches..because I couldn't fit in on with tucks, otherwise. Finally got it done. whew!! Then one night I took it down to the dining hall in my bldg. and ever so quietly...scooted three long tables together..and proceeded to glue everything together with Elmer's school glue and my iron. Have done this many times before. Works wonderfully. But evidently you are supposed to start quilting right away. I let it sit about two weeks. Yep! The glue had slipped and dried several very large wrinkle into the fabric. I actually screamed. Now I have to take it to a commercial laundry and wash the glue out so I can do it all over again. (BTW...honey...don't close that window.)
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