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Old 05-12-2015, 10:46 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: USA
Posts: 174

My baby "blanket" that got taken everywhere was actually a little quilt; I know I still have it somewhere but it has been m.i.a. lately. I also had a crib size quilt, and I remember my uncle wrapping me up in it and swinging it back and forth like a hammock, I loved that! I'm very peculiar about texture and I love the way that quilts don't tend to pill like blankets, and I've always found their cool touch refreshing in the summer. I used that crib quilt as a throw/pillow on my bed until I was in my early 20's and realized it needed to be "retired" for it's own good. In a stroke of luck I found a full 2 yards of the fabric that it was made from online recently; I bought that so fast I bet my head spun.

So I've always loved their feel and comforting nature. But only recently have I actually started attempting to make them.
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