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Old 05-17-2015, 11:05 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2013
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I just don't let it bug me to lose my sewing mojo from time to time. Why should it? It's a hobby. I just went through a dry spell and told myself, "this, too, shall pass'" We were starting a new business, my mom is ill, we are remodeling the kitchen, my sister is going through a divorce, and we had a loooong winter like most of the country. Those things zapped my energy for creative work. I decided to deal with clutter in my sewing room that was also zapping my creativity. I regained my mojo at 5:55 this morning, as a matter of fact! I got up and started adding 2.5 inch random length scraps to my ongoing huge beach quilt. That's what I do when I just want to sew mindlessly.

I feel energized again, even though the only things that have changed are the weather (that's a huge mood lifter!!!) and my sewing room environment.

Bottom line: don't worry about it. It'll come back.
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