Thread: May Weight Loss
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Old 05-24-2015, 04:47 AM
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Pam I love that diet. Unfortunately I have been doing that for years and the scale keeps moving in the wrong direction. It sure would be great if it worked.
It is a beautiful weekend here. It is about 70 degrees, cool at night. It was a little cloudy yesterday but nice. I went for a walk on the apth along the river. It was really nice. I saw lots of birds and wildlife. I saw some deer and a coyote, a red fox and lots of small animals. I walked 3 miles. I didn't intend to go that far but I did. My knee is fine this morning but my feet hurt. I know I need new walking shoes. I ordered some last night.
We are heading to my DS today for my grandaughters birthday. I am not sure what we are having for dinner. I made a tres leche cake and rhubarb pie for dessert. I have never made a tres leche cake before, hopefully it is good.
I guess I have run out of excuses around here for not cleaning the house. I will have to get going on that. I am so far behind from surgery. My DH has been so busy at work he hasn't had time to help. Time for my PT exercises and my daily walk. Last night at 11:45 PM I looked at my fitbit and realised I was only 250 steps shy of my daily 10,000 steps. So i walked around the house to make it. First time making 10,000 steps since several weeks before surgery. I am going to try again today.
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