Thread: Keurig ?????
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Old 05-26-2015, 06:30 AM
Geri B
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Since I posted my start to this thread, I cruised around internet and found a "few" sites of troubleshooting/aids......I did the poke the hole with clean paper clip. And yes that did seem to loosen up some stuck question is also, how do grounds get in those places? Anyway, seems there are a lot of disgruntled ex-users......and apparently when one calls customer service, they usually just send a new one!!!! Did finally get my cuppa. Now I will pour more vinegar in and let it set for few hours, then flush again......and in the meantime go down in the storage section of basement and search for my old mr coffee 4 cupper......hope I didn't sell it at last garage sale!!!!!!

Btw...I don't buy the K brand pods....Walmart generic are good......tried using my own coffee in baskets, but for some reason it doesn't taste as good in K as it did in Mr C.........

Live and learn.......
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