Thread: Guilds
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Old 05-27-2015, 05:31 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Sonoma County, CA
Posts: 4,299

I belong to one of the two guilds in my city; we have a "day guild" and an "evening guild"; I am at work during the day guild meeting times so I joined the evening guild. I think there are a lot of people who are in both.

I don't go to a lot of guild meetings though, and it's not because of the guild at all, it's just because I'm tired! I work very early, and the meetings tend to run pretty late. By the time the meeting is started I'm in wind-down mode for the evening and so I almost never go to the meetings.

When I do go I always have fun, people are very friendly there and I haven't sensed a lot of drama. I don't go often enough to really make any friends but I never seem to have trouble finding someone to chat with when I'm there. I always leave in a really good mood. But getting myself up and going again in the late evening is not easy, it's too easy to just decide to skip another meeting. I wish it worked out that I could go there straight from work when I'm still alert and bushy-tailed, I'd never miss a meeting if that were the case!

Dues are coming due for renewal again soon. I will re-up, even though I think I only have attended maybe 4 meetings in the last 10 months or so (they're 2x a month so I missed a LOT). I like supporting the guild and reading the newsletters and having the guild available to me, even if I'm not the most regular attendee at the meetings. And I like knowing enough of the ladies that I recognize some names and faces at the annual quilt show. It's coming up next month and that is something I do NOT miss!
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