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Old 06-11-2015, 05:31 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2014
Posts: 453

I'm the only one of my friends and family who sews. So my BFF has a teen aged girl (I'm so happy I'm out of that stage), she's got such a case of the "I wants" it's killing her and driving her mom NUTS.
So I have a new jean jacket, cut the sleeves out and then beat the daylights out of it (she only want used items, because she's saving the planet). Her mom got her some "NEW" jeans, and she had a fit. Told mom to bring them to me (I have sandpaper and I know how to use it), the jeans lived at my house for a week. Then mom got them back and gave them to her daughter (we spent the afternoon laughing about how happy her daughter was and how her daughter was telling her friend how her mom "GETS IT"), is happy, mom is happy and I'm happy to be able to help them both.
For me I just want my jean soft and pre-washed.
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