Thread: Coconut oil
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Old 06-16-2015, 05:44 AM
purpleleaf's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2015
Location: Highland, MI
Posts: 26

I use coconut oil in the solution I mix to put on the cloth diaper wipes. My son has very sensitive skin and breaks out when I use the store bought baby wipes (even the ones labeled sensitive). When he has a very bad diaper rash, coconut oil slathered on the area religiously every hour works better than the creams they sell for diaper rash.

I have eczema and I'll reach for the coconut oil if I'm not around anything else and I have a bothersome spot, but it only works when it's small and mild. Anything beyond that, and the coconut oil won't do much for me. I love the smell.

I don't really cook with it because I find the taste affects the food I'm working with. For that reason, I only use it in things that would be complimented by the coconut taste. I know some people say you can't taste the coconut but I find it very apparent.
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