Old 06-18-2015, 06:50 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 135
Default Now that I asked sewing room or sewing studio, I have another question

I know people that sew/quilt for a business has a name for said business. But I have met a few people (3), that even have their sewing/quilting named with a business type name. For instance one lady I know prefers to call it Savvy Scraps by ******. She makes and donates quilts to homeless shelters, quilts of Valor, 1 million pillowcases. She doesn't sell anything but prefers to have a label on the quilt with Savvy Scraps by ****** because she feels the recipients may understand a part of what she loves and hope it makes it more meaningful. Makes sense to me. The two other just thought it would be fun to have their quilt labels sound a bit more upscale. And if they ever decide to start sewing/quilting for a business, they had a name for it. I sort of like the making it more personnal and tell a little bit about the maker.

What's your guys opinions? We have honeybees and give the honey away. But we decided to name our set up "Our Beezness". I like puns.

I'm recovering from severe bronchitis so I've had some time to think about some (probably) strange things and see what others think
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