Old 07-07-2015, 03:06 PM
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Originally Posted by gramquilter2
I am one that does not judge others-I think we each do the best we can with what we know or have lived. How someone looks is not as important to me as how they treat others. And as for the weight and not finding attractive tents, if you haven't lived their life how can you judge them?
Wow, I had to read all the posts before I came to the only charitable quote in the bunch. Mind you, there were 60 posts.
When I dress to go to the store, I really do not care what the other shoppers think. I do not know them. I only care about paying the account and getting out of there. As far as going to a store where the clerks...the CLERKS ignore me because I am not dressed to the nines to take my clothes off and try on theirs, they can forget my business. I better not catch them at it either. The lady with the complaint about the woman breastfeeding her child, too bad you were insulted. I guess it would have been okay for the kid to run down the aisles screaming because he was hungry. I personally think it is great that women are actually using their breasts for feeding children instead of for "snagging some man." Must she be relegated to some uncomfortable bathroom? Where do you suggest she go?

I go back to the song that has the lyrics "what if god were one of us, just a stranger on a bus trying to find his way home." Some of those folks may not have "better" or may have lost their jobs and then gained the weight. You know the thrift store just might not have their perfect size. Not everyone buys their clothes off the rack at Macy's, or Nordstrom's.
So maybe when you are out there looking, and I am sure some of you are staring, think good thoughts. Send good vibrations out into the world instead of critical ones. I know that most of you are kind, caring people, I have seen your work and read your posts about your charity work. So, put some of that charity to work here too. Don't be so critical. Work on yourself and cut those sloppy, unkempt people a break. That may be the only break they get all day.
End of rant.
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