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Old 07-23-2015, 05:39 PM
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Oh Cindy sorry to hear about your mom. Yes it does make you think about what you are cooking when there are a lot of dietary restrictions. My SIL is coming to visit on Monday. She claims she eats really healthy but she doesn't. I am soooooo glad my BIL can't come this year. I am pretty sure he is the most annoying man in the world. I was trying to figure out how to tell her they couldn't stay here this year if he came. I'm not sure my DH could handle it. I had been trying to get my DH on an anti depressant for some time. Last year after they were here it did help to convince him he needed it. He could probably use more medication but not sure I can get him to do it. He is so much better.
My bike came yesterday. I got it for half price slightly used on Ebay. It needed a little bit of reassembly and I wasn't quite sure what order some of the pieces went on. I stopped in at the bike shop today and they showed me . They are so nice. I did need some accessories. I plan on taking it out tomorrow after my dentist appointment. I went to the gyno yesterday and for a mamogram etc today. Hopefully after tomorrow I am finished with doctors for a while. The gynocologist talked my into getting genetic testing for cancer. They drew the blood and as long as it is covered by insurance I will get it. My mom has had 2 different breast caancers and colon cancer. I also have several cousins who have had cancer. I do have a lot of cousins so statistically it isn't that high.
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