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Old 08-01-2015, 10:15 AM
Pam H
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Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Wisconsin
Posts: 2,122

When is your son getting married, jmoore? Mine is getting married 10/10 in China. We bought our airline tickets a few days ago and our daughter is driving to Chicago monday to get our visas. I just found out this morning my dress should be a bright color and/or shiny. Yeah, just what I want.....not! Our son also told us it is Chinese tradition for the groom's parents to buy the couple a house. That's not happening! I plan/hope to lose 15 lbs before the wedding. More would be better but probably not realistic.
I'll take one of the too large samples of toffee!
I did pretty well last month with my eating and also getting in some walking. Even lost a few pounds. Last night we went to a ballgame and ate ballpark food for our dinner. I even topped it off with a sundae. Was happy to see that I hadn't gained any back when I weighed myself this morning.
Some of you might remember a couple of months ago I thought I was a day or 2 away from getting under 200 lbs. Well, after gaining 7, I have finally lost those and gotten under 200. Woohoo! Now to figure out how to never get above it again.
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