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Old 08-08-2015, 05:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Cari-in-Oly View Post
Been there done that Miriam. In 1991 our next door neighbors were dealing. Both houses were the same color. We came home from visiting family to find our front door kicked in with a search warrant for "the light green house with glass front porch" taped to the door. They had torn my house apart looking for what wasn't there. Lots of things were destroyed. We didn't get so much as an apology.

Did you paint your house after that??? I'm so glad the FBI didn't get the wrong house here. My dad and mom would never have survived that kind of thing. They are 89 and 90 and it was enough excitement to have the FBI raid the neighbors. I think the poor guy next door is still cleaning up the aftermath. The windows are still boarded up. His family has been over there every day trying to help him and it has been 2 weeks. I think the first week was spent trying to get the smell or what ever out of the house. I hope that old man chooses better boarders next time around. I think he is trying to suppliment SSI with some rent either that or he's in it up to his eyeballs....
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