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Old 01-16-2010, 06:01 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Santa Cruz, California
Posts: 195

The one quilt shop in town is sort of on and off when you walk in. When they first opened some times they would great you and the next time they couldn't be bothered. Now after 10 years they are very nice and helpful.
I think the thing that bugs me at some shops when they ask of they could help you and you say you are just looking they follow you around like you are going to walk out with a dozen bolts under your arm.
I think the worst is yarn shops. I have a 3 knitting machines and when I go into a shop they ask if I hand knit and I say no I do machine knitting. I have had sales people say "oh you have one of those" with their nose in the air and walk off. Well little do they know if I did hand knitting I would die of old age before I ever finished a project. But with the machine I can do a sweater or Baby blanket in a afternoon. Sorry that's off the subject but between fabric and yarn shops. Yarn shops are the worst.
But since there is only 1 shop in 40 miles I do alot of shopping on line Kathy kjym
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