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Old 09-21-2015, 08:13 AM
Power Poster
Join Date: May 2008
Location: MN
Posts: 24,654

Maybe a blessings one , too?

May your points always be ponty

May your joins be flat

May you have enoigh fabric - or able to get more

May your sewing machine behave

May your thread never jsm

May you only cut what is intended with your rotary cutter cutter

May you always find your scissors, cell phon, etc.

May you never burn yourself while pressing/ironing

May you aleays be able to see well enough to sew

May you always be physically and mentally able to sew

May your backing always be smooth

May your communications with others involved in your quultmaking be clear

May your customers (if any) be considerate, understanding, and pay. promptly and well.

May the instructions always be correct.

Goodness- I did get on a roll, here .

It is an interesting idea, though.

Last edited by bearisgray; 09-21-2015 at 08:15 AM.
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